Image by McIntosh Laboratory
The MA252 Integrated Amplifier is McIntosh’s first hybrid integrated amplifier, combining the best of tube and solid state technology. The preamp section is based on tubes, using two 12AX7a and two 12AT7 tubes, housed in stylish protective cages that also serve as heat sinks. The output stage is a direct-coupled solid state amplifier rated at 100 watts/ch into 8 ohms or 160 watts/ch into 4 ohms. Built on the iconic Mc275 chassis, the MA252 is visually and sonically stunning.
We received our first shipment a few days ago, and immediately connected it. We’d all been eagerly anticipating the arrival. Would the MA252 be as good as we hope?
No. it easily surpassed our expectations. Right out of the box, we connected it to the Wilson Audio Alexia 2 speakers, a pair of highly resolving and demanding speakers that sells for over $78,000. The sound was effortless, big, powerful, yet nuanced and detailed. Beautifully warm yet without sluggishness.

Image by McIntosh Laboratory
I had to leave the next day for a dealer conference at the McIntosh factory. Only the top dealers were invited to this conference. No surprise, the buzz among the dealers was about the MA252. All of us has many of the finest electronics, yet we were all talking about the overachieving MA252.
Call us for an audition. Whether you are thinking of your first McIntosh, scaling down your system, or buying for another room, you should hear this one!